
In this article we will discuss: what is a baseline, how users can create them, and how they are displayed

What is a Baseline?

  • A baseline is a view of your current schedule against a certain point in the past. The baseline is shown via the light yellow bars underneath the gantt bar activities

When would I use a baseline?

  • A baseline is helpful for both project managers and superintendents to view progress against a point in time. 
    • Superintendents may want to see how the progress is tracking a week to week or month to month basis
    • Project Managers may want to view their schedule against the original contract and contractual changes

Where can I use baselines?

  • In the Gantt view only. Click the baseline button in the center of the navigation bar

How can I create baselines?

  • While in Gantt view, click the baseline button in the navigation bar
  • Select a date you would like to view the current schedule against. You can select the baseline date via the slider bar or clicking on the date picker inside of the baseline window
  • If you'd like to modify the name of your baseline, edit the name in the "snapshot" text field
  • Once ready to save the baseline, click "Create Snapshot"
  • Your baseline snapshot will be saved the "Saved Snapshots" section
  • Click on the baseline you would like to display
  • Click "Show Baseline"

How can I tell if a baseline is displayed?

  •  The date you're viewing the schedule against will be displayed next to the baseline button and noted in the green bar at the top right of your screen

How many baselines can I store?

  • We support unlimited baselines! Create as many snapshots as you like

How can I see the difference between my current schedule and the baseline?

  • Click the column selector
  • Check the boxes for baseline start, baseline end, and variance
  • Move the slider for the columns to display on the Gantt table