
Learn how to find, use, and create chats!

Communication is key on any jobsite!

Crews by Core keeps your job's information streams flowing through three chat types:

  1. Activity Chats
  2. Personal Chats
  3. Group Chats

All Chats

All chats are displayed on the chats tab in the Crews by Core app.

Your chats can be filtered by:

  1. Clicking the chats dropdown selector on the top left of your screen
  2. Type of chat - in the top filter box 
    1. Unreads
    2. All Chats
    3. Activity Chats
    4. Personal Chats
  3. Project Filter - in the bottom filter box


Activity Chats

The chat room name matches the activity name on the schedule.

Activity chats allow the project team to message about items on site, update status, and track quantities.

Click on the activity name to enter the activity chat room.

What does an activity chat look like?

Once you click into an activity chat, you will see 2 tabs:

  1. Chat - update status and message about items on site
  2. Info - track greater details about the activity

Personal Chats

Personal chats allow workers on site to message with any one with a Crews by Core account! Workers can freely message instead of waiting to track down another phone number.

Create a personal chat by: 

  1. Clicking the blue plus sign in the bottom right
  2. Select your project
  3. Select the person you'd like to chat with 

Group Chats

Group chats allow groups of workers to chat about common goals.

Creating a group chat is very similar to creating a personal chat.

  1. Click the blue button at the bottom of screen to create a new chat
  2. Select your project
  3. Click the "create a group" 
  4. Select the members to add and click the "next" button at the bottom of scren
  5. Name the group chat