Dailies with Comments

In this article we will show you how to add comments to your daily reports

There are several ways to add a comment to your daily:

  1. From the Comments column on a specific activity
  2. From the Progress Update on a specific activity
  3. From the Comments tab on a specific activity
  4. From the Dailies view for the overall daily report

From the Comments Column


  • Turn on the comments column in the column selector
  • The side panel for the selected activity opens
  • Attach images and leave comments 
  • Click add comment and your notes are tracked

From the Progress Update

  • Click into the progress or manpower columns in your schedule view
  • At the bottom of the progress report, you will see the option to add a comment to the activity
  • Confirm which date your comment is applying to
  • Flag the comment as an issue if it is holding up your work
  • Your comment will be added into the comment trail in the activity side panel and in the dailies view

From the Comments Tab

  • Click the information button on your activity
  • In the side panel, select the comments tab
  • Leave your comment and click the blue send button

From the Dailies View

  • Click into the dailies view
  • You will see submitted and empty progress updates for the day
  • Any comments provided can be seen in the Activities with Reports section. You can respond to comments and create issues from the buttons specific to the activity
  • General comments can be made from the blue "add comment" button at the top