Daily Risk Report

In this article we will discuss how to read and use the Daily Risk Report for your projects

What potential risks does the AI Daily Risk Report identify?

Crews by Core daily risk report scans your schedule for risks in the following categories

  1. Safety
  2. Quality
  3. Planning
  4. Blocked activities

Crews by Core's AI language model is scanning words in your schedule to identify tasks with risk in the arenas of safety, quality and planning. We tie in with local weather to provide the user with a report of items that could potentially impact their schedule today.

The goal of the report is to provide users a list of items to discuss in their morning meeting so their job can run smoothly and safely.

How do I know if there are activities with potential risks in my schedule?

In your schedule, activities containing risks are identified with a triangular hazard sign in the Icons column.

What activities go into the Daily Risk Report?

Only activities that are occurring today are marked with the daily risk icons on your schedule

How do I access the Daily Risk Report?

While in the lookahead, Gantt or map view, click the blue triangle at the top left hand side of the navigation bar 

The risk report will open in a separate tab. 

Users can select dates for today, tomorrow or the day after. Users can also print the risk report from the new tab.