Export CSV File

Crews by Core allows you to export a CSV File from your Project List view.  The file downloads from Crews by Core and includes fields of information about your Project’s Activities which were updated in Crews by Core or the App.  


The CSV file allows you to open and review the information in Excel or Google Sheets.  Or you can use the csv file to import and sync back into your external project files (e.g. MS Project or P6).


Click on the “Export to CSV” button in the center nav bar three dot menu, then select the Date Format you want the Activity dates to appear in. From there, click on the Start Export button.

The Export CSV File contains fields of the Activity information based on the latest updates from Crews by Core or the App by users.  Viewing this updated information from Crews by Core will allow you to determine if you may need to adjust the project schedule, dates, assignments, etc.  


Available Fields for Export


Unique ID

This is the unique Activity ID from your imported project file or the unique Activity ID that is automatically generated by Crews by Core or the App if you manually created the Activities.

Activity Name

This is the name of the Activity from your imported file or the Activity name you typed in when manually creating the Activity in Crews by Core or the App. Any edits to Activity Name from Crews by Core or the App will be reflected in this field in the CSV export.

Start Date

This is the scheduled Start Date of the Activity that you included during the import from your project file or the Start Date you entered when you manually created your Activity in Crews by Core or the App. Any edits to Start Date from Crews by Core or the App will be reflected in this field in the CSV export.

Due Date

This is the scheduled Due Date or Finish Date of the Activity that you included during the import from your project file or the Due Date you entered when you manually created your Activity in Crews by Core or the App. Any edits to Due Date from Crews by Core or the App will be reflected in this field in the CSV export.

Actual Start Date

This is the value that an admin user can manually enter into the Activity details for when the Activity work actually started. This field can be viewed in the CSV File and used to help adjust the project schedule as necessary (e.g. in the case of later Actual Start Dates vs Scheduled Start Dates).

Actual Finish

This is the value that an admin user can manually enter into the Activity details for when the Activity work actually finished. This field can be viewed in the CSV File and used to help adjust the project schedule as necessary (e.g. in the case of later Actual Finished Dates vs Scheduled Due/Finished Dates)

Current Activity Status

This is the most current Activity status as selected by a user from the App or Crews by Core.


This is the name of the Subcontractor or Responsible Party that you included during the import from your project file or the Subcontractor you entered / selected when you manually created your Activity in Crews by Core or the App. Any edits to Subcontractor Name from Crews by Core or the App will be reflected in this field in the CSV export.


This is the location of the Activity that you included during the import from your project file or the Location you entered / selected when you manually created your Activity in Crews by Core or the App. Any edits to Location from Crews by Core or the App will be reflected in this field in the CSV export.

Activity Type

This is the custom tag or Activity Type you included during the import from your project file or the custom tag for Activity Type that you entered / selected when you manually created your Activity in Crews by Core or the App. Any edits to Activity Type from Crews by Core or the App will be reflected in this field in the CSV export.

Last Updated (date)

This is the latest date/timestamp of any updates by a user from the App or Crews by Core.

Last Updated by User

This is the name of the user who most recently made an update to the Activity from the App or Crews by Core.

Activity Done (date)

This is the latest date/timestamp from when a user marked the Activity Status as Done from the App or Crews by Core.

Activity Done by User

This is the name of the user who most recently updated the Activity Status to Done from the App or Crews by Core.

Activity Verified (date)

This is the latest date/timestamp from when a user marked the Activity Status as Verified from the App or Crews by Core.

Activity Verified by User

This is the name of the user who most recently updated the Activity Status to Verified from the App or Crews by Core.

Activity Approved (date)

This is the latest date/timestamp from when a user marked the Activity Status as Approved from the App or Crews by Core.

Activity Approved by User

This is the name of the user who most recently updated the Activity Status to Approved from the App or Crews by Core.

Activity Completion Amount

This is the value that the user entered into the Completion Amount field to indicate how much of that Activity was completed.

Activity Completion Unit

This is the unit for Activity Completion that was set during Activity creation or updated later on. 

Activity Completion Target

This is the value that was entered during Activity creation or updated later on to indicate what the target or goal was to consider the Activity completed or done. By default, if % is chosen as the Completion Unit, then 100% is the Activity Completion Target. All Activity Completion Units (LF, SF, CY, EA) require the Admin user to have provided a specific target amount (e.g. 200 LF or 50 CY etc).


Export CSV Files can be run as frequently as you wish.  In addition, when you are viewing your Active Activities in the Activity List view AND using certain Filters to view only certain Activities which match the filter(s), you can run the Export CSV file to contain the snapshot of your Filtered Activity List view.  The Export CSV File is intended to help you review the data collected from the App or Crews by Core and help you adjust your project schedule as needed.