Creating & Inviting Workers

Learn how to invite workers to your project!

  1. Click the People tab inside of your project
  2. Click the blue "Add Worker" button on the upper lefthand side of the screen
  3. Fill out the worker card (required fields marked ** below)
    1. **Full Name
    2. Select Trade
    3. Organization
    4. **Role (see roles and permissions page for more details)
      1. Project admin - can modify anything inside of the project
      2. Foreman - can view the schedule and modify tasks assigned to them
      3. Worker - can view the schedule and see actions
    5. **Invited by (email or phone number)
  4. Click the “Add” button to finish.

Bulk Invitation

Send a list of workers you would like to invite to your customer success representative or

Required information for invitation:

  • Full name
  • Role Level
  • Email address