Procore Punch List Integration

Easily connect to your Procore Punch List and import your Punch List items to Crews by Core.


Simply select your project and click the "Import file" which is located in the three dot menu on the navigation bar. This will open the Import menu.



1 procore import start


Select the Procore option which will prompt you to log in to your Procore account.


2 procore login


Map the fields you want to import from Procore Punch List. You will only need to do this once. Here are our recommended field mappings:

  • Unique ID
  • Name 
  • Start Date
  • Due Date
  • Subcontractor Group
  • Assignees
  • Type
  • Location
  • Description

Learn more about mapping fields here.

3 procore import mapping fields

Preview the imported items. If everything looks good, click “Finish”

4 procore import preview

Now that your punch list is integrated, you can assign items to your crew and manage your Procore Punch List in the field. 

5 procore imported c4 list